§ 14-6. Comprehensive plan.
Purpose and intent. This section is enacted to carry out the purpose and intent of and exercise the authority set out in the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulations Act, F.S. sections 163.3161 through 163.3215, as amended.
Adoption. The Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Future Land Use Element; the Traffic Circulation Element; the Housing Element; the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element; the Conservation/ Coastal Management Element; the Recreation and Open Space Element; the Intergovernmental Coordination Element; the Capital Improvements Element; and the Future Land Use Map Series, the Future Traffic Circulation Map, and the Concurrency Management System of the Comprehensive Plan for Franklin County, Florida, consisting of one (1) volume, dated April 16, 1989, as amended, is incorporated herein by reference within this section.
Title. The amended version of the comprehensive plan shall be entitled the "Comprehensive Plan for Franklin County, Florida."
Applicability and effect. The applicability and effect of the goals, objectives, and policies of the comprehensive plan shall be as provided by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. F.S. sections 163.3161 through 163.3215, as amended, and this section.
(Ord. No. 91-3, §§ 2—5, 4-16-91)
Editor's note
Ord. No. 91-3, adopted Apr. 16, 1991, did not specifically amend this Code; hence, inclusion of §§ 2—5 as § 14-6 was at the discretion of the editor.