Beginning January 1, 1968, and annually thereafter unless otherwise provided by law,
all taxable property within the district shall be subject to an ad valorem tax not
to exceed five (5) mills of the assessed valuation of such property to be used to
carry out the purposes of this act [this division]. In January, 1968, and in each
January thereafter the district board shall meet and determine the millage necessary
to provide funds to be levied and assessed on such property to carry out the purposes
of this act; provided, however, that the millage determined by the board shall not
exceed the limitations of this section. The ad valorem tax authorized by this section
shall be levied and collected in the same manner as taxes for county purposes are
assessed and collected in Franklin County. Taxes of the district shall be of equal
dignity with taxes for county purposes and shall become liens and be enforced in the
same manner as taxes for county purposes.