§ 18-55. Restrictions within the primary location zone.
No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of a hazardous substance (including herbicide and pesticide applications) to the soils, ground water or surface water within the primary protection zone. Any person knowing or having evidence of a discharge shall report such information to the board of county commissioners.
New sanitary landfills, as defined by Chapter 17-7, Florida Administrative Code, are prohibited within the primary protection zone.
The use, handling, production and storage of hazardous substances is prohibited in the primary protection zone, except as provided under section 18-57. All persons who presently engage in nonexempt activity within the protection zone who store, handle, use or produce any hazardous substances shall cease to do so within two (2) years from the effective date of this article, except as provided herein.
Feedlots or other concentrated animal facilities are prohibited within the primary protection zone.
Wastewater treatment plants, percolation ponds, dredge spoil deposits and similar facilities are prohibited within the primary protection zone.
(Ord. No. 92-9, § 500, 10-6-92)