§ 2-1. County organized.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Be it enacted by the governor and legislative council of the Territory of Florida, that all that part of this territory including within a line beginning at the mouth of the Chipola cut-off, on the Apalachicola River, running direct to Cape St. Joseph; thence along the coast to the mouth of the New River including the islands adjacent; thence in a direct line to the beginning point, shall constitute and form a county to be called the County of Franklin.


    Be it further enacted, that said county shall be attached to and form a part of the same electoral district as Washington County is.


    Be it further enacted, that it shall be the duty of the judge of the superior courts of the western district, to hold superior courts for said county at the town of Apalachicola, at such time as may be provided for by law, and county courts shall be holden [sic] at said place on the third Monday in March and October in each and every year.


    Be it further enacted, that an election shall be holden [sic] on the third Monday in March next, at Apalachicola, for a sheriff, clerk of the county court, corner and surveyor, for said county, under the superintendence of G.J. Floyd, E. Wood, J.D. Bullocks, and E.J. Harden, or any three (3) of them, whose duty it shall be to hold said election in [the] manner as prescribed by law, and make their returns to the governor, who shall commission the officers elected, and said officers shall hold their commissions until the next regular election for county officers of this territory.

(Laws of Fla., Feb. 8, 1832, §§ 1—4)

Editor's note

The present official boundary is found in F.S. § 7.19. The above section is included in the Code primarily for historical purposes.