Franklin County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article I. IN GENERAL |
§ 5-2. Eastpoint boat ramp; hours; alcoholic beverages.
The county owns the Eastpoint boat ramp, described by metes and bounds as follows:
Begin at the northwest corner (iron pipe stake) of the southeast quarter (SE ¼) of said Section 31; run thence due north 127 feet; north 60 degrees 25′ east, along the southerly boundary of the 66-foot highway, State S-65, 119 feet; thence south to the waters of St. George Sound; thence run southwesterly along the waters of St. George Sound to the south boundary of the northeast quarter (NE ¼) of said Fractional Section 31; thence run west along the south boundary line of said northeast quarter to the point of beginning. Also: All of the fractional southeast quarter (SE ¼) of Section 31 in Township 8 South, Range 6 West, in Franklin County, Florida. Being a parcel 119 feet wide, running from the 66-foot Ferry Road to St. George Sound; and the same is maintained by the county for the use and benefit of those wishing to launch boats in Eastpoint, and related constructive activities.
It shall be unlawful for any person to consume or possess alcoholic or intoxicating beverages at the Eastpoint boat ramp.
The Eastpoint boat ramp shall be closed, and it shall be a misdemeanor to trespass upon the Eastpoint boat ramp, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
(Ord. No. 81-3, §§ 1—3, 6-2-81)
State law reference
Operating vessel while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, etc., F.S. § 327.35 et seq.
Cross reference
Alcoholic beverages, Ch. 3.